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GIO|Live Room] GIO series activities will start soon.

Competition in the domestic industry tends to be intense. The wave of onlineization has not only turned the attention of more companies to overseas battlefields, but also closely linked many seemingly unrelated things. The threshold of enterprise operation is constantly increasing, and the living space is getting narrower and narrower.

Facing the new situation and new demands, all walks of life need to be fully optimized and upgraded. While strengthening technological transformation, we will consolidate the industry knowledge base in an all-round way, optimize the strategic layout, and invest in the new generation of business waves.

Hitpoint Cloud has been investing in the core technology field of cloud computing for a long time. In the field of informatization, Hitpoint Cloud keeps innovating, establishes technical barriers, and conducts in-depth research on industry characteristics to grasp the subdivision advantages of vertical fields. As a high-quality cloud service provider in the industry, Hitpoint Cloud has carried out in-depth cooperation with many partners to carry out ecological co-construction and create in-depth industry scenario applications to provide customers with full-link cloud services and shorten the distance from customer needs to solutions.

Faced with the dual needs of enterprises in all walks of life for information technology and industry knowledge, Hitpoint Cloud has built a one-stop learning and exchange platform—"GIO" [Globalization Information Optimization]. Through GIO's high-quality content sharing, it provides new ideas for the development and operation of enterprises, and achieves new opportunities for enterprises to break their shells.

In the GIO series of activities, Hitpoint Cloud will invite elites from different industries to share industry knowledge and help enterprises win "double victories".

There are various forms of activities, covering not only online live sharing, but also offline salons and dinners. The content is rich in themes, mainly centered on informatization construction, global development, and operation optimization, aiming to provide an opportunity and platform for enterprises to share in-depth knowledge, communicate and learn.

The handling of overseas business litigation disputes is the focus of many companies with overseas business segments. Based on this, Hitpoint Cloud will grandly launch GIO's first online live broadcast event on the theme of "How Chinese-funded Enterprises Respond to Overseas Litigation and Arbitration" from 19:30 to 21:00 on May 5.

The live broadcast invited Li Lixin, a senior partner of Shanghai Land Law Firm, as a guest in the live broadcast room, introducing the basic knowledge of international commercial arbitration and foreign litigation, and giving practical suggestions on how companies should deal with overseas litigation and arbitration.

This event is co-created by Hitpoint Cloud, Oracle NetSuite, Shanghai Landi Law Firm, Cross-border Women’s Gang, Data Cross-Border BI, Ecang, ShuLex Cross-Border and other enterprise platforms. I believe it will live up to expectations.


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